Our Story
Our Sweet Love Story

First Time We Meet
28/Apr/2020Agnes suddenly breaks not one, but two nails. A tragedy! This was just the beginning of the Corona crisis, and everything was closed. There was the great opportunity for Rémi! Of course, by all possible means, he tried to make an appointment still. And he succeeded! On 28.04.2020 at 10 am at Nadine's place.

Our First Date
04/May/2020Monday was the day. After a very busy day, Agnes wrote at 8.55pm - Feierabend. after two minutes Rémi - yes 🙂 see you soon! See you soon? - Agnes asked. Yes, said Rémi, I wanted to bring you a beer!.... and again Rémi was lucky that Agnes was in the mood for a beer, but unfortunately she was out of one and Rémi was her reasoning angel.

Venetia: She Said Yes
16/Jul/2022Almost at midnight, as the fireworks in Venice cast a spell over thousands of people, Rémi had only one thing on his mind. Yes, this is the perfect time to ask Agnes to marry him. With tears in his eyes and a heart full of love, he asked her to marry him on 16 July. "Will you marry me?" he asked. 'Yes,' Agnes replied without a moment's hesitation, because she too knew she loved Rèmi.